Peaks rising to be above board Yellow House, a panoramic view Liujiaxia county.
待登上耸立山峰之上的“黄河楼”, 县城刘家峡尽收眼底.
——期刊摘选Take the Cableway sightseeing tour to the top of the rotating restaurant, Luzhou beautiful panoramic view.
乘观光索道上到山顶的观光旋转餐厅, 庐州美景尽收眼底.
互联网The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.
柯林斯例句Looking down back, the wide flat land and broad rurality a panoramic view.
俯首回望, 一马平川、广阔坦荡的田园风光尽收眼底.
互联网A glance through his office window a panoramic view of the WashingtonMonument and the Lincoln Memorial.
互联网A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the square and the park.
互联网A man gets a panoramic view of the volcanic and windblown peaks of the Black desert.
互联网The panoramic view from the observation platform of the building is popular among people.
互联网Panoramic view of campus from Box Springs Mountain.
互联网From the top there's a panoramic view over the capital out to the surrounding mountains.
互联网Boarded Se Hanta , Trinidad dam, boundless expanse of woodlands panoramic view.
登上塞罕塔, 千里坝上, 万顷林海尽收眼底.
互联网The large window permits a panoramic view of the open fields.
互联网The large window permitted a panoramic view of the park.
互联网The panoramic view from the summit is wonderful, attracting many a visitor's attention.
景色壮丽奇伟, 吸引了许多游客的注意.
互联网After climbing the hilltop, you have a panoramic view of mountain scenery.
登上山巅以后, 山下的景致尽收眼底.
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